


Dedicated consultancy

We provide a dedicated assistance to every type of request from our customers, guaranteeing a solution for every need.

What can be customised

design bottoni custom

3D design and renderings

The Spring '85 technical office is able to create a 3D rendering of the button on a 1:1 scale to give an idea of ​​the final product.
On request, it is possible to create a prototype of the button.

rendering bottoni e rivetti


Our collaborators after having created the personalized mold of the customer's brand, start the production of the required components. After that, the caps must be cleaned and polished with specific products or sandblasted them to ensure an excellent base for customizing the finish. The caps go then through galvanic process together with the samples of color that must be realized and re-checked, once come back you from our Quality Control.

The following step is to assemble the cap with the shank (the back of the button). The assemblage can be manual, for precious items, or in the machine depending on the need of the product. Our mechanics program the machines to ensure the correct assembly according to the referent sample.

macchinario produzione bottoni
controllo qualità componenti

Quality check

Our quality control team checks each component that comes back from the finishing processes, discarding buttons that have even the smallest imperfections.

The other checks take place after the product has completed all the subsequent processing stages and ready to be shipped.

test controllo qualità bottoni

Application test

The application test it’s another important aspect of quality control, it let us to check the right matching of all parts produced internally by our mechanics following the specifications of the shape of the button.

Customized packaging

The packaging can be customized according to the customer's needs, in simple bags or blister packs, with the required quantities.

The warehouse carefully places the products in labeled packages, ready to be shipped to any part of the world.

confezionamento prodotti
assistenza telefonica

After sales assistance

Our work does not end after the shipment of the goods, but the Spring '85 team is always available for any request, such as the correct application of our buttons on the garments.

How to customized a jeans button

Head + Shank

From 5.5mm to 30mm
According to the type of the chosen product

Available more than 200 finishing in our sample card + customized colors

It depends on the quantity and finishing

Spring '85 manufactures custom metal buttons
The button is the added value of your garment.  Contact us today for online custom button production.
2025 © Spring '85 - P.I. 01266900289 - Capitale sociale € 1.500.000,00 int.vers. - R.E.A. della C.C.I.A.A. di Padova 191772
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